Honoring The Dedication Of Military Spouses

May 9, 2008

The dedication and devotion of military spouses, is what keeps the men and women serving in our country’s Armed Forces going, as they face deployments, and spend countless days, sometimes months, away from their families, as they prepare for deployments. The military spouse is a special breed of man or woman, who is willing to so whatever is necessary to support their spouse throughout their career in the military. That can and often does include learning to run their entire household single-handedly, being both a mother and a father to their children and ensuring that their Soldier has their support during deployments. Their job is not an easy one.

Military spouses, the men and women who stand behind our servicemembers, are the backbone of our military. Without them to keep things going, while their servicemember is away, our Troops would be much less “mission ready.” They ensure that our Troops are able to conduct their missions, without worry about things going on at home, because they know that things are in good hands while they’re away. It’s only fitting that the military has recognized this asset and set aside the Friday before Mother’s Day to honor our military spouses. I just wanted to take a moment to say to all military spouses, Thank You for your service to our country. Your are a necessary part of our military. A part that doesn’t often get the recognition that is deserved. We appreciate you and salute you!


One Response to “Honoring The Dedication Of Military Spouses”

  1. tony neria on May 9th, 2008 7:31 pm

    To my daughter, Erin, who has spent the last 10 months by her Marine’s bedside after he was severely injured by an IED (he has severe TBI)—We all look to you in awe for you dedication. You show us, in the most severe circumstance what it means to be a military spouse.

    Sam is just now starting to string words together. I know he is getting better because of the love and commitment you give to him every day.

    Your proud father

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